Datiphy's Blog

Datiphy Supports Tibero 6 Database Auditing

Datiphy Supports Tibero 6 Database Auditing March 7, 2019 Datiphy announces official support of Tibero, a relational database management system (RDBMS) as a drop-in replacement for Oracle legacy systems. Currently Datiphy is the only proven database auditing solution for Tibero. Datiphy protects data in corporate databases, network, servers, and private or public clouds. DatiDNA technology

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Why Traditional DAM Solutions Aren’t Cutting It?

Why Traditional DAM Solutions Aren’t Cutting It? December 7, 2016 For some odd reason, data compliance and data security are generally treated as one and the same; even though at this point, every security practitioner knows that compliance does not sufficiently provide security coverage. I’ve been asking myself then, why is Database Security such a low

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Datiphy comes to Splunk!

Datiphy comes to Splunk! October 26, 2016 A primary driver of many customer conversations I’ve been having lately is lack of visibility into database activities on the SIEM. For the Security Operations Center (SoC) the SIEM is that central cog that keeps the business flowing. If database events and threats are not being correlated against other

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What is DatiDNA?

What is DatiDNA? August 15, 2016 DatiDNA is essentially the “genetic makeup” of a data transaction or set of transactions and serves as contextual assets derived from the interactions among users, applications and databases. It offers tangible evidence of data events that are occurring or have occurred and provides all the essential information needed to detect

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